
(Last update of this topic: 05-07-2024)

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(Last update of this topic: 05-07-2024)

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This chapter deals with the topic Troubleshooting to eliminate configuration problems and errors at runtime.


The following table shows the error patterns and associated problems with possible tests and solutions:


Status/Error message


Possible tests and solutions

Error "Create DNS record ( failed (error code 9002).“

The specified DNS zone is not available.

Please check the stored DNS suffixes or DNS zones in the settings of the custom fields for the type "DNS zone".

Error "Create DNS record ( failed (error code 9005).“

The user name is unknown.

Please check the user stored when configuring the DNS server role in the settings.

Error "Create DNS record ( failed (error code 9017).“

The password is incorrect.

Please check the password stored when configuring the DNS server role in the settings.

Error "An error occurred calling 'DhcpAddSubnetElementV5'. The specified IP address is currently taken by another client. [RESERVEDIP_EXISTS 20022]“

The specified IP address is already stored on the DHCP server for another client.

Please check the IP address specified during installation.