Centralized Administration

(Last update of this topic: 04-06-2023)

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Centralized Administration

(Last update of this topic: 04-06-2023)

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The steadyPRINT Center is available to help you administer the printer environment in . All functions necessary for the central administration of your printers have been brought together here.


The following will explain the individual program steps to be taken for the initial setup of a new print server using the administrative tools in .




License Necessary


When starting steadyPRINT Center, the license will be verified which is necessary to work with . For more information concerning licensing, see section License.


As an alternative, it is also possible to activate a demo version. Please proceed as follows:



Activate Demo


On the first start, the steadyPRINT Center asks whether you wish to activate the demo mode for 30 days or import a purchased license. To proceed, choose between those two options.


For questions concerning licensing, please contact the steadyPRINT-Support (see Chapter Support).