Workflow Import/Export

(Last update of this topic: 05-08-2024)

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Workflow Import/Export

(Last update of this topic: 05-08-2024)

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A new function has been added to which you can use to import and export Workflows as JSON files. This function enables you to share Workflows between different accounts or to transfer them otherwise. Below you can find out how to use this function.


Export a Workflow as JSON File:


Click with the right mouse button on the desired workflow in the steadyPRINT Center. Now go to the context menu and select Export workflow as. Here you have the option to export the workflow with or without entering a password as a file (JSON). Now you only need to enter a password and select the storage location.


Import a Workflow as JSON File:


Click with the right mouse button on the desired workflow folder in the steadyPRINT Center. Now go to the context menu and select Import workflow. Select one or several JSON files with a workflow. If a password has been assigned, you will now be asked for it. If the password is entered correctly or if no password has been stored, the workflow is imported. Now a window is displayed showing the progress of the import. This way you can see immediately whether the import was successful or not.