
(Last update of this topic: 05-02-2024)

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(Last update of this topic: 05-02-2024)

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As of version 9.0 the steadyPRINT WebCenter can be used to centrally manage your printers.


The steadyPRINT WebCenter is to implement the full functionality of the printer management and will be extended in the future.



This is the current range of functions:


Settings: Basic settings as well as the settings for steadyPRINT vName, infrastructure, steadyPRINT SecurePrint or steadyPRINT API.
Assignments: Assigning all types for users/computers/groups on the basis of printers or ActiveDirectory.
Printer installation: Remote printer installation / administration (installing, renaming, uninstalling) via the WebCenter for printers on print servers incl. DHCP reservation and DNS entry.
Organiztation: All tree elements for the printer environment can now directly be managed via the WebCenter.
SNMP: View status information for printers.
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