Replacement of Printer Drivers

(Last update of this topic: 05-22-2015)

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Replacement of Printer Drivers

(Last update of this topic: 05-22-2015)

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Printer drivers with already existing printers can be replaced via by accessing an entry in the command bar (see figure Availability via the action bar).



Figure 59: Availability via the action bar


A new window opens and enables you under item 1 to distribute the printer drivers to other print servers.


Item 1 enables you the distribution of printer drivers to already existing printers.



Figure 60: Selection of the operation to be performed



Having confirmed that an efficient backup of the affected part of your printing environment has been created (see figure Selection of the operation to be performed), you continue with the upper choice.


In the opening window, you select the print servers on which one or more printer drivers should be replaced (see figure Selection of the target print server).



Figure 61: Selection of the target print server




Listed Print Servers


In order to have a print server listed in this view several tests have to be passed successfully.


1.The print server has to be displayed in the tree (See Authorizationsin the steadyPRINT Center)
2.The print spooler of the print server has to be active (See Warming Up Time of Print Spooler)
3.The user logged in to the Center has to be registered on the print server as a local administrator.



On the following page (see figure Selection of the printer drivers to be replaced) you now specify which driver should be installed for the respective printers.



Which printers are processed?


All printers for which a printer driver was selected in the selection box are processed.



Figure 62: Selection of the printer drivers to be replaced