User Migration

(Last update of this topic: 02-15-2021)

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User Migration

(Last update of this topic: 02-15-2021)

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User migration (see figure - steadyPRINT Center - Selection Print Server Replication and Migration) is possible at any time provided a backup print server has been installed. During this process, the master print server becomes the backup server and vice verse. Consequently, the migration of all printer connections for users, groups and computers also takes place. Please note that a migration of the assignments will only function for those present in the steadyPRINT Database. After the migration has been executed in the steadyPRINT Center, it will be necessary to restart the clients.


It is possible to have the steadyPRINT Agent take over all existing printer connections automatically before the migration. The following explains the procedure for all available connections which are not present in the database:


1.First import to the steadyPRINT Center the desired print servers with all available printers to add these to the steadyPRINT Database. Please note that the steadyPRINT Agent only recognizes the connections to the respective printers that also exist in
2.Then enable the “recognize printer connections added manually in Windows and automatically map to a user in steadyPRINT“ option under Settings > Printer Connections in the steadyPRINT Center.
3.Make sure to disable the “delete network printer connections not administered by steadyPRINT at Agent startup“ option under Settings > Printer Connections in the steadyPRINT Center. Otherwise will get rid of these, making a subsequent acquisition no longer possible.
4.Configured in this way, the steadyPRINT Agent acquires all printer connections at start up and adds these to the database.

Please note: Automatically generated printer connections for the respective printers are always found directly below the print server in the steadyPRINT Center.




Printer Availability on Master and Backup Print Server


It is necessary to ensure the availability of all printers on both print servers beforehand in order to guarantee a smooth transition.




Printer Driver Integrity


Please note that after migration the printer drivers stem from another print server and may thus need to be reinstalled for printer connection generation.


This circumstance can be corrected by activating the administrative printer driver installation function in the steadyPRINT Center.




User Migration and Reliability


To ensure that reliability remains intact after user migration, the steadyPRINT Server service must be installed on the new backup print server (formerly master print server) before this system begins service. This is necessary for monitoring.




Availability of the steadyPRINT Agent on Clients for User Migration


The installation of the steadyPRINT Agent on the clients is absolutely necessary for the migration for users, groups and computers.