Carrying Out a Replication or Migration

(Last update of this topic: 11-04-2020)

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Carrying Out a Replication or Migration

(Last update of this topic: 11-04-2020)

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To carry out a replication or a migration of a printer, please proceed as described below. It is important here to define the replication/migration configuration that will finally be used during the process.


Execution steps:

0.Query of print servers and display of printers available on the source print server (automatically carried out when opening the Replication and Migration View). This process can also be carried out and repeated manually via Update View.
1.Carrying out an analysis for the migration (available in the Migration View only).
2.Selection of the printers to be replicated or migrated.
3.Selection of the printer drivers to be used. Select whether you wish to use the drivers from the source or from the target for this process.
4.If necessary, select an alternative printer driver for this process (available in the Migration View only). This stems from the target system and is used when installing the printer on the target print server.

 Please note: To display and use the desired drivers, they will need to be added to the target print server beforehand.

5.If necessary, enter a different printer name (available in Extended Migration View only). The renamed printer will then be set up on the target print server.
6.Selection of transferred printer driver settings.
7.If necessary, enter a different port name (available in Extended Migration View only). The renamed port will then be set up on the target print server.
8.If necessary, enter a different FQDN or a different IP address for the port to be migrated. (available in Extended Migration View only).
9.If necessary, enter a different queue name for the port to be migrated (available in Extended Migration View only). This is only necessary when using the "LPR" protocol.
10.If necessary, enter a different protocol for the port to be migrated (available in Extended Migration View only). The default protocol for TCP/IP-based printers is "RAW". Use "LPR", to refer to a local print queue of a different computer from the print server . Make sure that the correct queue name for the port has been entered.
11.Start the replication or migration process.
12.Optional: Repeat the replication or migration process, if necessary. Under certain circumstances, the Windows print queue might take some time to update all information of the new printers which are now available but not yet displayed as expected. Tip: Restart the print queue on the target system or the print server. Usually an update of the view will be sufficient.



Replication as of Windows Server 2012 with v4-Printer Drivers


It is partly not possible to perform the driver replication of delivered in-box v4 printer drivers. During the replication, the steadyPRINT Center installs the driver from the system-owned driver store as a fallback on the target system by using the printer driver name of the source print server. Therefore, please make sure that the target and source print servers have the same version and patch level.



Replication of print server cluster


For the replication of print server clusters it is important that you only work with one active node in the cluster (only applies to the target system). In this context, a replication equals a software update or the maintenance of a cluster node. On completion of the replication, the disabled node can be enabled again.


For more information on the maintenance of a Windows Server Cluster, please refer to




Use of the Extended Migration


Use the extended migration only if the printer name, port name, FQDN/IP address, queue name and/or the protocol are to be modified during the printer migration!


For a regular migration that only requires the adaptation of the printer driver, the normal migration view is sufficient and should thus be used.




Migrating from Windows Server 2003 to 2008


For most migrations from Windows Server 2003 to 2008, it is necessary that the print processor file localspl.dll lies in the shared folder \\[COMPUTER]\prnproc$\w32x86\ on the migrating print server. If an error occurs, the error message will look somewhat like this, for example: "Internal error. The attempt to add print processor WinPrint failed. The file "\\chd-w2k3-x86\prnproc$\w32x86\localspl.dll\" could not be found."


You can simply copy the file localspl.dll from C:\WINDOWS\system32 to C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\prtprocs to make it available in the shared folder.




Using Incompatible Printer Drivers


Please make sure that compatible drivers are available and used for migration. If an incompatible driver is used for the migration, the error message will look something like this, for example: "The attempt to add printer IBM 2380 Plus to computer chd-w2k3-x86 has failed - the printer IBM 2380 Plus could not be installed on print server BOREAS: The printer driver is unknown".




Using Incompatible Print Processors


Please make sure that compatible print processors are used for the migration. The attempt to migrate “old” and incompatible processors will lead to the following error message: „[…] The print processing is unknown […].“ To solve the problem, please select the print processor winprint on the source system for the affected printers. After that, the migration should run through. After successful process completion, a subsequent adjustment of the print processor on the target system is possible.




The Print Server's Operating System is not Shown in the Display


For the correct display of the operating system in the display of the respective views it must be ensured that WMI queries are allowed on the affected systems.