Local Default Printers

(Last update of this topic: 11-04-2020)

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Local Default Printers

(Last update of this topic: 11-04-2020)

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With the implementation of version 5.1, it is now possible to define local default printers even from the Center.


This enables the user via the Agent as well as the administrator via the Center to turn a printer that exists on the local computer of a user into a default printer.



Availability of Local Printers


To be able to manage local printers in the Center, it is necessary to  take inventory beforehand.


You will find more detailed information under Inventory.


In case the inventory has not been completed before the user turns a local printer into a default printer, the Agent automatically performs a one-time inventory.


Procedure in the steadyPRINT Center

The management of local default printers works in line with the already known settings of network printers. Please go to chapter Printer Assignments to learn more about the functioning.



Options of Local Default Printers


Setting up local default printers is only allowed at user level.


Behavior of the Priority Lists

In the settings of the Center, a new entry for the local default printers is listed in the priority lists.

Its behavior seamlessly interacts with the existing methods of the priority lists.