Automatic Printer Assignment

(Last update of this topic: 02-15-2021)

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Automatic Printer Assignment

(Last update of this topic: 02-15-2021)

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As of version 6.5, you have the possibility to define automatic printer connections for print servers and folders by using other assignment types (See Overview Assignment Types).

This facilitates the distribution of printer assignments to each employee who is located in the appropriate IP area without the necessity to give him/her an assignment.


Adding automatic printer connections

The maintenance of automatic printer connections is available in the detailed view of print servers and folders in the tab "settings" (see figure steadyPRINT Center: Creating automatic printer connections).



Figure 24: steadyPRINT Center: Creating automatic printer connections


Click "Add" and select the assignment type which is to be created.




Availability of automatic printer connections


In order to use the automatic printer connections it is mandatory to assign an IP filter to the object.



Now you have the possibility - as you are already used to from the assignment view - to restrict the connection to terminal servers or workstations or to store the connection to be created as default printer.

In addition, you will only need to create the connections to be created if the user has no other assignments yet (see figure steadyPRINT Center: Customization of automatic printer connections)



Figure 25: steadyPRINT Center: Customization of automatic printer connections


Example: User A has assignments on user level. The administrator has stored automatic printer connections which are only connected for users without any assignments. This means, user A would only get the assignment which has been assigned to him on user level.


Display of automatic printer connections for users

If a user has been connected such an automatic printer connection it will also be displayed within the assignment view of a printer (see figure steadyPRINT Center: Display of temporary assignments).



Figure 26: steadyPRINT Center: Display of temporary assignments




Cache in the steadyPRINT Center


In this context, please pay attention to the influence that cached data base entries might have to the view. (See Data Base Cache).