Printer Administration for Users

(Last update of this topic: 12-02-2021)

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Printer Administration for Users

(Last update of this topic: 12-02-2021)

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The functions shown and described so far have been presented from a server-side, administrative perspective. We would like to show you the following additional client-side printer administration functions that is able to offer.


The steadyPRINT Agent offers special functions for printer administration that can be carried out by the user. The following figure - steadyPRINT Agent - main window shows the main window intended for the user.



Figure  186: steadyPRINT Agent – main window



In the following table you will find all functions that are available to the user on the client side:




Connect printers

Using the tile Conntect printer, the user can add network printers that are managed with .

Print jobs

Using the tile Print jobs and the context menu Open print jobs, the user can open an overview of the print jobs.

User manual

Using the tile User Manual and the context menu Open manual of the tray icon, the user can open the quick installation guide.

Merge PDF

Merges PDF documents to one single PDF document.


Enables remote support by the steadyPRINT Support.

Printer directory

Using the tile in the main window of the steadyPRINT Agent and the context menu of the tray icon, the user can open the Windows printer directory.

Manage batch printers

The user can manage his own batch printers to store his print jobs.

Reconnect printers

Using the tile Reconnect printers and the context menu of the try icon, the user can reconnect the printers manually.

Default printer

Using the button Default printer and the context menu of the respective printer, the user can specify it as default.

Open printer properties

Using the context menu of the respective printer, the user can open the printer properties.

Open integrated Agent

Using the context menu of the tray icon, the user can obtain a quick overview of the printers connected by . In this overview, the default printer can be reset.

Open steadyPRINT Agent

Using the context menu Open of the tray icon, the user can open the steadyPRINT Agent. As an alternative, double click the symbol of the Agent.

Disconnect printers

Using the button Disconnect printers of the respective printer, the user can disconnect it and remove it from the overview.

Support information

Opens the support window with useful information for the administrator on the current configuration of the steadyPRINT Agents.


Using the try icon in the task bar the steadyPRINT Agents can be terminated.




A short explanation of the functions and handling of the steadyPRINT Agent is available for users as a handout on the homepage You can download it for use as a PDF file.


Changes of the printer assignment by Administrator

At each start and in a defined interval (adjustable via performance profiles), the steadyPRINT Agent checks the changes to the printer connections. In addition, the steadyPRINT Center sends push notifications to the respective Clients when printer assignments are added or the detail window of the Active Directory is modified by the administrator. 



Push Notifications


By default, the push notifications use 8009. This can be modified via the settings in the steadyPRINT Center.


In case the integrated Windows authentication is used, please store the used service user in the settings of the steadyPRINT Center.