Dashboard and Monitoring

(Last update of this topic: 09-29-2014)

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Dashboard and Monitoring

(Last update of this topic: 09-29-2014)

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Select the settings for Dashboard and Monitoring and specify the configuration for the Dashboard and for the inventory of local printers in the steadyPRINT Center.



The server address indicates on which Windows Server the steadyPRINT Webserver is installed. By specifying the server address and the port, the steadyPRINT Center will be informed where to find the website for embedding the steadyPRINT Dashboard. Moreover, you can determine the timeout for loading the contents.


However, please note that the settings mentioned above exclusively refer to the embedded pages in the steadyPRINT Center. The access to the steadyPRINT Dashboard via the web browser remains unaffected.


Local Printers

In the settings for local printers you determine for how long the collected information shall be held available. Moreover, here you can specify which local printer you would like to filter out of the tree view of the steadyPRINT Center.