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Automatic inclusion of printer connections without function that are not administered by steadyPRINT

Description of the problem

It is possible for steadyPRINT Agent to automatically include all existing printer connections.


The following procedure describes the registration of printer connections which are not administered by steadyPRINT:

1. First, import the desired print servers with all available printers into steadyPRINT Center in order to store them in the steadyPRINT database. Please note that the steadyPRINT Agent only recognizes those assignments for which the respective printer in steadyPRINT exists.

2. Then enable the option “Include printer connections not administered by steadyPRINT and automatically map to a user in steadyPRINT” under Settings > Printer Connections in the steadyPRINT Center.

3. Make sure that the option “Delete network printer connections not administered by steadyPRINT when starting the steadyPRINT Agent” is deactivated under Settings > Printer Connections in the steadyPRINT Center. Otherwise steadyPRINT clears them so that a subsequent registration will no longer be possible.

4. Configured in this way, the steadyPRINT Agent collects the respective printer assignments at startup and stores them in the database.

Please note: Automatically generated printer assignments for the respective printers are always located directly below the print server in steadyPRINT Center (up to and including version 5.0).

ID: 21807 | Zur deutschen Version

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