Parametrize PDF Printers

(Last update of this topic: 11-04-2020)

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Parametrize PDF Printers

(Last update of this topic: 11-04-2020)

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The steadyPRINT vPrinter offers the possibility to have PDF documents generated in a parametrized way. First, the following setting has to be activated in the Agent profiles: steadyPRINT VPD: Activate PDF printer with parameter control. Subsequently, each print job is scanned for parameters via the printers Send PDF via e-mail and Save and open PDF file. Depending on the respective definitions, the relevant parameters will finally be implemented.


The following parameters are currently available:




Email (only for e-mail printers)

E-mail address to which the PDF document will be sent.

EmailCC (only for e-mail printers)

CC-e-mail address to which the PDF document will be sent.

EmailBCC (only for e-mail printers)

BCC-e-mail address to which the PDF document will be sent.

EmailSubject (only for e-mail printers)

E-mail subject for the message to be sent.

EmailBody (only for e-mail printers)

E-mail text for the message to be sent.

DocName (only for e-mail printers)

File name of the PDF document to be generated..

E-mailAttachmentsList (only for e-mail printers)

Additional files that will be attached to the e-mail.


PDF document that is used as watermark for the PDF document to be generated. Only the first page will be applied.



The parameters below have to be entered into the original document. Each parameter begins with the prefix "#_ " and ends with the suffix " _#".

Important: Each parameter has to stand in a separate line. All parameters are used independent of upper and lower case.


The following table shows the above overview with application examples:




Email (only for e-mail printers)

Arguments: semicolon separated list of e-mail addresses.

Example: #_ Email _#

EmailCC (only for e-mail printers)

Arguments: semicolon separated list of e-mail addresses.

Example: #_ EmailCC _#

EmailBCC (only for e-mail printers)

Arguments: semicolon separated list of e-mail addresses.

Example: #_ EmailBCC _#

EmailSubject (only for e-mail printers)

Arguments: e-mail subject for the message to be sent.

Example: #_ EmailSubject Message from steadyPRINT _#

EmailBody (only for e-mail printers)

Arguments: e-mail text for the message to be sent.

Example: #_ EmailBody Dear Sirs, Thank you for your inquiry. We will contact you immediately.

Kind regards

steadyPRINT-Team _#

DocName (only for e-mail printers)

Argument: File name of the PDF document to be generated.

Example: #_ DocName Inquiry_2016-11-23-032 _#

EmailAttachmentsList (only for e-mail printers)

Argument: semicolon separated list of additional files that will be attached to the e-mail.

Example: #_ EmailAttachmentsList C:\Files\Info.pdf;C:\Files\DefaultImage.png _#


Argument: File name of the PDF document that will be placed as a watermark behind each page of the PDF document to be generated.

Example: #_ StationeryPathStationeryAllPages C:\Files\watermark.pdf _#



The following example shows an application of the parameters in one text block. It effects the creation of a PDF document and the opening of the default e-mail program with a new message. The specified addresses are and in the cc address field. The message contains the indicated subject and the text. The file name of the PDF document to be generated is "Inquiry_2016-11-23-032". When creating the PDF document, the first page from "watermark.pdf" is placed behind each page as a watermark.


#_ Email _#

#_ EmailCC _#

#_ EmailSubject Message from steadyPRINT _#

#_ EmailBody Dear Sirs,


Thank you for your inquiry. We will contact you immediately.


Kind regards,


steadyPRINT-Team _#

#_ DocName Inquiry_2016-11-23-032 _#

#_ StationeryPathStationeryAllPages C:\Files\watermark.pdf _#