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Reservation and sharing of CALs
Description of the article
For each user or each device steadyPRINT requires an access license (CAL).
CALs are managed via the steadyPRINT Center under file > settings > licenses. The view “licenses” provides a general overview showing the number of used licenses. The view “CALs in use” shows an overview of the respective license holders (user and device) and their used CALs.
Reservation of CALs
When starting the steadyPRINT Agent, the mandatory Windows CAL will be reserved. In case there are other assignments for the user than Windows assignments, one CAL will be reserved respectively for the appropriate type (e.g. Branch Office, VPD Basic, vName etc.).
Important: Each user or each device reserves a max. of one CAL of each type.
Sharing of CALs
Generally, the reservation of a CAL is permanent. However, the administrator is able to manually share single CALs via the view “CAL in use”. This is, however, only possible for sessions displayed as “Offline”. Another option is to generally share orphaned CALs again after 30 days. These are CALs,
- that have not been requested for 30 days,
- whose assigned users are deactivated or no longer available or
- whose assigned devices are no longer available.
For manually sharing CALs, the view “licenses” provides a separate button for the performance of this process which can also be automated via a Windows task with the following call:
Cmd> Center.exe -freeCals
In the main window, the steadyPRINT Agent displays license messages if problems occur when reserving the necessary CALs. This is the case if no CAL is available for the respective assignment type or a connection to the database does not exist.
ID: 21962 | Zur deutschen Version