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SQL Server Collation
Description of the problem
CreateSteadyDB does not install a new Database and fails with the error “Error installing a new Database: Invalid object name ‚information_schema.columns‘.
This error can be encounterd by customers that are not using
COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General _CI_AS.
Most likely this will happen to people from countries that use a different default collation than Latin1. You can see here what’s the default collation for your Operation System when installing Sql Server.
To see what collation your SQL server is using you can use SQL Management Studio “Master -> Properties -> Options -> Collation”
Update Collation:
The easiest way is to reinstall SQL Server and choose the Latin1_General_CI_AS.
To change the collation without updating SQL Server we suggest the following Microsoft Knowledge Base https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/325335/how-to-transfer-a-database-from-one-collation-to-another-collation-in
It’s important to perform a backup of the Master Table before changing the collation.